BLA Honours its Watan Nadrig for Courageous Attack on FC Convoy in Kalat
The token hunger strike of VBMP against enforced-disappearances enters 1783 day

Mama Qadeer and Farzana Majeed at protest camp
QUETTA: The hunger strike of Voice for Baloch Missing Persons for the safe release of abducted Baloch has reached at its 1783 day on Friday.
A delegation from HRC (Human Right Commission) of Teshil Mach, Bolan’s chairmen Aamir Yousufzai and his companions Khuda-e-Rahim Baloch and Imran Baloch has visited the VBMP protest camp and expressed their solidarity with the affected family members and assured their full cooperation.
Talking to the protest at the VBMP camp outside Quetta press Club they said that Balochistan was among those regions of world where humanity is confined to books. Even though in other corners of the world some countries felt guilty over their silence and they started to play their role to save the human dignity, but Baloch homeland has not even been recognised as the country of Baloch people.
On the last week of January 2014 there a was catastrophic incident of the discovery of mass graves of Baloch missing persons which were recovered in Tootak, Khuzdar. “The corpse discovered from those graves weren’t a thousand years old but these were the bodies of victims abducted during era of past two civilian dictatorships of Pakistan.
The delegation further said people hoped that after the discovery of mass graves in Balochistan the civilised world will wake up and this incident will be a turning point for Balochistan because two decades ago when mass graves were discovered in Eastern Europe that had changed their fate. “The world paid attention to their plight but in case of Balochistan no one even bothered to express their concern about the discovery of mass graves in Balochistan.
They said that Baloch national leader Hyrbyair Marri expressed his concerns over the discovery of mass graves in Tootak Khuzdar and he said that the silence of the international powers on Pakistan’s atrocities in Balochistan is encouraging Pakistan to commit more crimes against humanity.
The Sectary general of (VBMP) Banuk Farzana Majeed and Vice Chairman Mama Qadeer has said to the delegation that VBMP will not be silent on this grave issue of mass graves and they will continue to strive for justice. They demanded that culprit of such heinous crimes should be arrested and brought to justice.