Balochistan: Police Raid on Book Fair Sparks Strong Condemnation
Negotiations and Liberation Movements
By Rustum Baloch
Baloch liberation movement was started in 1948 when Pakistan forcibly invaded independent Balochistan. Since then there has been many uprisings against illegal occupation of Balochistan. Pakistani forces managed to temporarily crush some of the Baloch uprisings whereas some could not progress because of the lack of long-term goal and clear vision of Baloch leadership. But the current movement is different from past movements because this movement engulfs all the Baloch areas from Kahan to Gwadar. Baloch have joined the national movement to liberate their country and this time credit goes to Hyrbyair Marri who has been instrumental in organizing the nation under the banner of independence struggle.
In history of Baloch struggle first time ever all over Balochistan students in schools refused to sing the Pakistani national anthem and hoist the colonial flag. In Gwadar, Turbat, Panjgoor, Noshki, Kharan and other areas Balochistan students sing the Baloch national anthem “Maa Choken Balochaani” in schools. This kind of widespread awareness in Baloch society has paranoid Pakistani state.
Thereafter the colonial power began the ‘search and destroy policy in Balochistan’ where many Baloch doctors, engineers, teachers, lawyer, students, poets, singers and intellectual have been targeted by Pakistani army and ISI. Despite all these brutalities Pakistan’s policy to crush Baloch movement has failed because people have intensified their sympathy and association with the freedom movement.
After the failure, Pakistani state adopted another policy of appeasement of Baloch leadership where they reached out to Brahumdag Bugti, Javid Mengal, Mehran Marri and Mir Suleman Khan Daud. Brahumdag Bugti in an interview with the BBC Urdu openly said that he was willing to negotiate with the colonial powers [Pakistan]. He went on to say that he was ready to withdraw the demand of an independent Balochistan ‘if Baloch people wanted so’. Mr Bugti’s willingness to back off from the demand of independent Balochistan disappointed Baloch people in general and his own party members in particular. It is naive of the young Bugti to suggest or even imagine that after giving enormous sacrifices for past 60 years the Baloch nation would be willing to give up their struggle for independence.
In national liberation movements all leaders of oppressed nations held talks with occupiers. Colonialism can generally be defined as the occupation and control of one nation by another nation. When the leadership of oppressed nation met and started negotiation with colonial powers, they first defined the aim of their struggle which was their national liberation and sovereignty. A leader willing to go to negotiations without an agenda is generally considered confused and he/she lacks clarity of vision. Even Gandhi as the leader of Indian Nation set with colonizers in order to liberate India through peaceful negotiations. According to the Guardian, “the historic negotiation between Lord Irwin and Gandhi in which – on March 4, 1931- Gandhi agreed to urge Congress to take part in the second Round-table Conference”.
Libyan people under the leadership of Sayyid Muhmmad Al Mahdi bin Al Sansusi started negotiation with Italy in 1916 leading to a final agreement in 1917 which is known as Akrama accord. Leaders of the oppressed nations negotiated with colonial powers but they did not compromise on their goal of national liberation. Brahumdag Bugti’s indication to initiate negotiation with Pakistan without a clear agenda is a clear signal to the occupying state that he’s desperate for talks with the criminal state of Pakistan which is responsible for killing thousands of Baloch including many of Mr Bugti’s own relatives and tribesmen. Mr Bugti’s compromising approach on the core issue of independence of Balochistan is condemnable and is not acceptable to the Baloch nation because people have been suffering and they have sacrificed a lot for the freedom of Balochistan. Baloch nation’s ultimate goal is the independence of Balochistan and for achieving that goal people are giving enormous sacrifices. Brahumdag Bugti has failed to represent the genuine aspirations of the Baloch nation because to some extent like BNP’s pro-establishment parliamentarian leader Mr Akhter Mengal he also gave away the freedom struggle.
In my opinion at the moment only Hyrbyair Marri is the leader who is leading the Baloch nation towards their ultimate goals to achieve their statehood. Hyrbair marri is realistic, tested and visionary leader with a statesman’s qualities like Gandhi, Washington and Julius Nyerere. He is directing the nation towards independence. In struggles there are ups and downs but one would overcome them if the aim of the struggle is clear and not compromised. Baloch nation under Hyrbyair Marri’s leadership will regain the freedom of their country.