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Hyrbyair Marri praises Baloch nation for marking Martyrs Day together
LONDON: Pro-freedom Baloch leader Hyrbyair Marri in a statement on Tuesday said that Baloch nation has proved that they are a proud nation by paying tributes to their fallen heroes in Balochistan and abroad on the occasion of Baloch Martyrs Day.
The Baloch nation has observed the precedent of self-reliant nations by standing united and observing the Martyrs Day together.
He said the martyrs sacrificed their precious and priceless lives for the national liberation struggle and have given Baloch nation recognition and honour around the world.
Hyrbyair Marri further said, “Those martyrs who gave their lives for the Baloch nation, honouring them together on same day – 13 November – is praise worthy, particularly in Balochistan where Pakistan has made it almost impossible to carry out peaceful political activities.
“Despite such difficult conditions, the Baloch women and other activists came out to observe the Baloch Martyrs Day; it shows their dedication and national resolve toward Baloch freedom struggle.”
He said it was only possible to achieve national independence after such audacious, difficult, complex, and challenging situations. He added today Baloch is bravely facing all deterrents by occupying state of Pakistan for regaining independence of Balochistan.