Balochistan: Iran Executes Seven Prisoners, Including Five Baloch and Two Afghan Nationals
Baloch people mark occupation day with #BalochistanIsNotPakistan campaign

QUETTA/BERLIN/KABUL: The pro-freedom Baloch political party ‘Free Balochistan Movement’ held protests and awareness campaigns in Balochistan and abroad to mark the ‘Balochistan Occupation Day’ on Monday, March 27, 2017.
The Free Balochistan Movement (FBM) meetings, protests, and awareness campaign included a seminar in Afghanistan, a demonstration in Germany and distribution of pamphlets and wall chalking in several cities of Balochistan.
Meanwhile, on social media, the FBM activists and supporters used #BalochistanIsNotPakistan hashtag to highlight the Pakistani state atrocities against Baloch people since the illegal occupation of Balochistan in March 1948.
The FBM activists held a demonstration and awareness campaign at Berlin gate in Germany. Participant of protest carried placards, a large banner which read ‘Balochistan is not Pakistan’ and pictures of the victims of Pakistani state terrorism in Balochistan.
The protesters distributed leaflets to by passers and visitors to the demonstration. They informed the general public about the continuous indiscriminate military attacks against Baloch, Human Rights Violations and growing enforced disappearances and extra-judicial killings of Baloch activists.
Fateh Jan Baloch, an activist of FBM who was also the main organizer of the demonstration in Berlin, said, “We organized the demonstration to urge the free world to take notice of Baloch genocide by Pakistan. Our aim is also to inform the free-born people of the world that Pakistan illegally occupied Balochistan and forcibly annexed it against the will of the Baloch nation.”
He went to on say that Baloch people have never accepted the occupation and they have been struggling to regain their freedom since 1948.
The Afghanistan Naween Research and Studies Organisation and Free Balochistan Movement activists also organized a seminar in Kabul Afghanistan.
Baloch and Afghan intellectuals, diplomats and journalists shed light on the importance of Balochistan’s independence and deplored the illegal occupation of the sovereign state of Balochistan by Pakistan.
Baloch writer and analyst Hafeez Hasanabadi read a message of the leader of Free Balochistan Movement Hyrbyair Marri at the seminar.
Mr Marri in his message said that on 27 March 1948 Pakistan attacked and illegally occupied the independent state of Balochistan that’s why each year Baloch around the world and in Balochistan mark March, 27 as a black day in Baloch history.
He said that neighboring brotherly nations and the world were now becoming aware of Balochistan issue and Pakistan’s state terrorism not only in Afghanistan and Balochistan but all over the world.
“Since the occupation of Balochistan in 1948, we (Baloch) have been struggling to regain our freedom and informing the world about Pakistan’s crimes against humanity in Balochistan and in the entire region. We have, to some extent, convinced the world that Pakistan is an artificial state – not a trustworthy friend of the West. In fact, it is Pakistan who breeds, trains and exports Jihadi terrorists to Western capitals to destroy the world peace,” Hyrbyair Marri’s message read.
Emphasizing on the need of unity and cooperation between the Afghan and Baloch people Mr Marri said, “Pakistan is common enemy of the Afghan and Baloch people. We should unite against Pakistan for sake of peace, the prosperity and freedom of our people and our respective countries. It is our unity and cooperation that will thwart Pakistan’s evil and expansionist designs in Afghanistan and Balochistan.”
Other speakers included former governor of Ghaur province of Afghanistan, Dr Abdullah Haiwad, said that Pakistani forces are committing gross human rights violations in Balochistan. Pakistan has also destroyed peace in Afghanistan. “Pakistan is common enemy of Afghanistan and Balochistan,” he said. Mr Haiwad said that both Afghan and Baloch are against the Durand Line but only Baloch are practically resisting against it. He said Baloch are “our brothers” and we [Afghan] should politically, morally, and diplomatically support them.
Baloch veteran intellectual and Vice President of Baloch Shura Afghanistan Abdul Sattar Purdili Baloch said that Pakistan is committing crimes against humanity against Baloch people. Pakistan army have is indiscriminately killing Baloch men, women, and children. Sher Khosti ex-governor of Ghazni Afghanistan said that the whole region will benefit from the independence of Balochistan. “It is time, the whole world supported the freedom of Balochistan because Baloch nation on their own is fighting against a state [Pakistan] that has spread terrorism all over the world,” He said.
Ustaad Khair-ul-Ahad talked in details about Balochistan’s historical and strategic importance.
There was a large presence of Afghan and other media at the seminar.