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Free Balochistan Movement to hold a demonstration on eve of Chinese National Day
LONDON: In a statement to media, the Free Balochistan Movement said its political activists will hold a protest demonstration in Germany’s Göttingen city on 30 September 2017 against China’s imperialistic and colonial designs in Balochistan with the collaboration of Pakistan.
The date chosen for the protest collides with the Chinese National Day on 1st October when the Baloch will be recording their protest to highlight gross human rights violations by Pakistan and China on CPEC route, Gwadar district and rest of Balochistan.
The Free Balochistan Movement (FMB) said in their statement that China and Pakistan Nexus is aimed to turn Baloch demography into a minority community which is considered an existential threat to Baloch nation.
Gwadar port and China Pakistan Economic Corridor, CPEC, have disastrous consequences not only for Baloch but also for the whole region, FBM said adding that “China and Pakistan are carrying out a genocidal policy in the name of CPEC and development in Balochistan.”
The FBM urged peace loving people and humanists to participate in the protest demonstration of Free Balochistan Movement and help expose communist China and Islamic State of Pakistan’s evil designs which are aimed to annihilate the Baloch nation.