Balochistan: BYC Organises “Defence of Baloch Values” Protests
Swizz government urged to grant political asylum to Brahumdagh Bugti
GERMANY: The Baloch Republican Party (BRP) and BNM held a protest outside the Switzerland Embassy in Berlin, on Tuesday, to urge the Swiss Government to review its decision on the pro-freedom Baloch leader and chief of Brahumdagh Bugti’s application for a political asylum.
Activists of Free Balochistan Movement also joined the BRP’s protest to support Mr Bugti’s asylum application in Switzerland and urged the Swiss government to rethink its biased decision.
The protestors termed Switzerland’s decision of denying a political asylum to Baloch leader Bugti and entry ban on Mehran Marri as unfair.
The protestors held the placards, which said, “#GrantBugtiAsylum and allow him to exercise his right to freedom of expression and freedom of movement.”
“Today we are protesting in front of the Swiss Embassy in Berlin. Nawab Brahumdagh Bugti is a peaceful political leader, who is struggling for the basic rights of his people,” Saif Baloch, a member of BRP, said.
“This whole world knows about Pakistan, which has a history of providing safe havens to the terrorists. We request the Swiss authorities to grant him political asylum on humanitarian grounds,” he added.
“Switzerland should not trust bogus allegations against Brahumdagh Bugti and Mehran Marri,” another placard said.