Balochistan: Iranian Forces Raid Homes in Dasht, Arrest 38 Including Women
Hyrbyair Marri welcomes Trump’s decision on Iran nuclear deal
LONDON: The Baloch pro-freedom leader Hyrbyair Marri has said the United States of America’s decision about Iran’s nuclear deal is a positive step. He stated that ‘the previous US administration and rest of the Western countries have made a grave mistake by trusting Iran. They didn’t understand the grave consequences of this deal, but president Trump’s administration has understood the deceptive nature of Iran, as the Islamic regime has gained more power and expanded it terrorist networks in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon because of the easing of the sanctions’.
Hyrbyair Marri said that if this deal continues with Iran, it may temporarily slow down Iran’s nuclear proliferation and uranium production but it will not stop Iran from making nukes. Countries like Pakistan which became an ally of the US during the war against terror, behind the scenes continued to support the enemies of the United States, has already provided nuclear technology to Libya, North Korea and Iran. In the future, Pakistan could support Iran against the USA and other Western countries. Hence, the US and Western forces should place sanctions on Pakistan as well as Iran. Nuclear weapons in the hands of irresponsible states like Iran and Pakistan are a threat to world peace.
Hyrbyair Marri said that Iranian regime claims that America wants to dominate the region and that is why it withdrew from the nuclear deal but in reality, Iran has been using Shia Islam from last four decades to control other nations and expand its boundaries. Today, they talk about the violation of International Laws [by the US] but one of the most violators of the international laws is the Islamic regime of Iran which extra-judicially kills Baloch, Kurds, Turks of South Azerbaijan, Arabs of Alahwaz and other nations and minority groups by labelling them the enemies of the God.
‘The population of the Baloch in Iranian occupied Balochistan is nearly six million, but Baloch have been accounted for at least 20 percent of executions by the regime as per independent reports,’ Mr Marri said adding that, ‘Iran is involved in crimes against humanity in Kurdistan and Balochistan and waging proxy wars in Yemen, Syria, Lebanon and Bahrain.’
He said that European countries are trying to appease the fascist regime of Iran only for their financial benefits and ignoring the long-term consequences of their policies because a stronger Islamic Republic of Iran will directly result in the expansion of stronger Shia proxies around the world. Hyrbyair Marri said that Iran is not a single country as projected by the western media, and its very existence is a reflection of colonialism of European empires.