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World and neighbors of Balochistan should support Baloch freedom struggle: FBM

Los Angles (California): On United Nations World Refugee Day, Free Balochistan Movement (FBM) activist Aziz Baloch from Canada attended an event in Los Angeles, California. The event was organized by Jagrati Organization.
Mr Aziz Baloch on behalf of Free Balochistan Movement highlighted the ongoing serious human rights violations and urged the international community to play their role to stop the genocide of Baloch Nation committed by Pakistan and Iran in occupied Balochistan.
The key guest was Dr Madan Lal Goel Director, International Studies, Professor Emeritus, Department of Government, and the University of West Florida, who stated that the Baloch Nation’s legitimate struggle for the self-determination and independence deserves the international community’s support. The event organizations have passed a resolution that India should lend its moral and diplomatic support to Baloch people’s national struggle.
Following is the text of Mr Aziz Baloch’s speech on 24 June 2018 in Los Angeles California:
Thank you for inviting me to speak here today
Balochistan is facing a number of issues since its occupation by Pakistan in 1948. Obviously, the occupation itself is the root of all difficulties that occur today including mass enforced-disappearances of Baloch men, women and children, as well as the targeting killing of the most educated section of Baloch society, and indiscriminate attacks against unarmed Baloch civilian populations.
Currently, more than 25,000 Baloch from all walks of life are in the illegal custody of Pakistani forces in the different secret location where they are facing inhuman torture and mistreatment.
Pakistan is violating the rights of religious minorities including Hindus, Christians and Hazaras but our Party [Free Balochistan Movement’s] stand is very clear about the rights of all minority groups in Balochistan and we strongly oppose state atrocities against them. Hindus and Christians and other minorities have been living peacefully in Balochistan for centuries and have never faced any problem but since the beginning of the current phase of Baloch liberation struggle, Pakistan army, intelligence agencies and army-backed religious death squads have been systematically targeting these minority groups to divert the attention from Baloch freedom struggle and portray it as a sectarian violence.
The leader of Free Balochistan Movement Mr Hyrbyair Marri in a recent message about attacks against Christian and other minorities groups said, ‘Today’s attack on members of the Christian community and the continuous persecution of other religious minorities exposes the real face of Pakistan – a state created on the basis of religious hatred. As long as the artificially created state, “Pakistan”, exists, such attacks and other heinous crimes against people of different faiths will continue. The world must take notice of Pakistan’s war crimes against the Baloch nation and its promotion of hatred toward Christians, Hindus and Shia minorities.’
We, the Baloch, are committed to preserving our secular culture and tolerance toward other ethnic groups and religious minorities. In our Balochistan Liberation Charter, we have made it clear that in independence Balochistan all people regardless of their ethnicity, religion, colour and political persuasion will have equal rights.
Article: 9- The Baloch national struggle for a free and democratic Balochistan is inclusive. It is for all people from all walks of life in Balochistan and outside Balochistan. These include all freedom loving men, women and children regardless of their political persuasion, ethnic background or ideological and religious belief.
Article: 38- A free Balochistan will endorse the fight against any discrimination on the ground of gender, background, belief, age and ethnicity. All ethnic and religious minorities in Balochistan will have equal rights in the same measure as with the rest of population to practice their faiths and to preserve and protect their languages and customs.
The people of India and America should inform their respective nations about the double game of Pakistan and Iran. The USA has been funding and supporting Pakistan for more than 30 years but what the US get in return is attacks against US soldiers in Afghanistan and huge anti-US rallies and campaign in Pakistan. All the religious groups and individuals that openly threaten to destroy the US have the direct support of the Pakistan army and intelligence agencies. The Taliban and other religious terrorists freely cross Pakistan military check posts along the Durand Line to carry out attacks against US troop and safely return to their safe havens in Pakistan.
Honourable guests and members of the audience,
I believe it also India’s responsibility as the largest democracy in the region and as our neighbour to continue to raise their voice against Pakistan’s atrocities in Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Sindh. Pakistan is turning into cancer for the region and the world, that’s why a permanent solution is needed to get rid of this cancer. Temporary treatment may slow down this illness but it cannot eradicate it.
Since Prime Minister Modi’s statement mentioning Balochistan, Pakistan has intensified its brutalities in Balochistan, more Baloch has been abducted, killed and expelled from their villages but unfortunately, there has been no follow up to his statement. Like, Pakistan’s policy about Kashmir issue, India should also adopt an official policy to speak up in India and on international forums about human rights violations in Balochistan and support our just, peaceful and democratic struggle.
Honourable guests and all people present here today,
The genocide of Baloch nation has been ongoing for the past 70 years but the UN and other International bodies have turned a blind eye to the Balochistan issue. We have said time and again the silence of UN, International Community and regional powers is encouraging Pakistan to repeat the history of Bangladesh in Balochistan. Pakistan is exactly committing the same crimes against humanity in Balochistan which Pakistan army and their religious proxies committed against Bangladeshi people during their war of liberation. Bombardment of civilian populations, target killing of the most educated section of Baloch society, abducting and disappearing Baloch men, women and children and rape of Baloch women have become the routine practice of occupying Pakistani forces in Balochistan.
According to UNICEF 84,000 people were internally displaced during the 2005 military operations in Balochistan. Thousands more have fled to Afghanistan and to Western countries as refugees. Since then the Baloch have continued a steady exodus from their homelands because they are forced to abandon their ancestral homes by Pakistan’s military operations, state-sponsored death squads and the extreme poverty enforced by an oppressive regime. We Baloch have the same simple desire as the rest of humanity. We want to live in a safe secure secular society where our children have access to education and promise of a bright and prosperous future.
I request you all to educate your people, your academia, your media and your politicians about Pakistan’s war crimes in Balochistan and urge your respective government representatives at UN and other international forums to help us raise voice against Baloch genocide by Pakistan and Iran.