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Indian actress urges her govt to take up Balochistan issue at UNHCR session

BW News Web Desk: The Indian actress Payal Rohatgi has urged India to speak about ‘continued Pakistani atrocities in Balochistan’ at UNHCR session in Geneva.
She expressed her view on social media while replying to a tweet to Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi where he said that ‘Pakistan will speak definitively at the UNHCR Session in Geneva on the continued Indian atrocities in Kashmir’.
The actress tweet in response, ‘India should speak at UNHCR session in Geneva on the continued Pakistani atrocities in #Baluchistan.’
She also added that ‘the people of Baluchistan must be consulted and asked to engage in any decision-making process.’
It is pertinent to mention that the Pakistani army, FC, intelligence agencies and other security forces have long been involved in enforced-disappearances, extra-judicial murder and brutal military offensives across Balochistan.
Baloch pro-freedom parties say that Pakistani forces disappeared more than 20,000 Baloch including women and children and many of them have already been tortured to death. The lives of others are also at risk.