Families of the Forcibly Disappeared in Kirdgap Continue Protest
Pakistani military conducts fresh offensives in district Awaran Balochistan

QUETTA: Pakistani military has been conducting offensives in Jhao area of district Awaran from past ten days. Dozens of people have reportedly been arrested and disappeared.
According to details, it has been over ten days Pakistan is perpetrating an illegal military operation in Jhao town of Awaran district under a media blackout.
Balochwarna News has received latest reports from locals of Jhao town that peaceful protester who took to streets against military aggression in Jhao and adjacent areas have been brutally tortured, arbitrarily arrested and disappeared. Several protesters have been severely wounded due to Pakistan army’s use of excessive force.
Even though the exact number of arrests and damage to properties is not confirmed yet, there are guesstimates that more than a hundred people have been arrested and taken to undisclosed locations by Pakistani forces.
Baloch social media activists have posted some photos online describing them as the victims of Pakistani forces torture in Jhao. These pictures are seen as ‘a drop in the ocean’ as Pakistan army, dominated by Punjabis Muslims Generals, has turned Balochistan into a black hole of information.
It is pertinent to mention that Pakistan army has kept Balochistan under severe media blackout; even the local media is not allowed to report the ground realities, let alone the international media.
Local analysts say that such atrocities and disproportionate use of forces by Pakistan army in Balochistan have forces many Baloch families to migrate to Sindh and Punjab to become Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) where they have been living in appalling conditions.
Many Baloch human rights and political activists have also fled Balochistan and sought refuge in Western countries. The Baloch diaspora communities in different countries have regularly been highlighting Pakistan’s atrocities against Baloch nation. There have been consistent protests in Western cities including London, Berlin, Geneva, Washington DC, New York and Vancouver.
This week representatives of 193 countries have arrived in New York to take part in UN General Assembly meetings and discuss important issue and challenges facing the contemporary world.
The Free Balochistan Movement has announced to organise a protest demonstration on 27 September to draw the attention of UN and representatives of other nations toward the plight of the Baloch nation and expose Iranian and Pakistani state atrocities against Baloch people.
News story compiled by Archen Baloch