Will the condition of Raaskoh ever change?

 Will the condition of Raaskoh ever change?

By Safar Khan Raaskohi 

When the nuclear tests were conducted in Balochistan on 28th May 1998, a myriad of promises was made to change the lives of people living Raaskoh. The so-called agricultural package for Raskoh turned out to be a political bribe and a personal package for some politicians. Unfortunately, the state of inhabitants of Raaskoh has worsened ever since.

Before nuclear explosions, all regions surrounding Raaskoh were tremendously verdant and people living there were prosperous and happy. The area produced sufficient sweet grapes, pomegranates, dates and vegetables which would be supplied even to all over Kharan. People could make a living from these productions.

However, today the situation in Raskoh is awfully heartrending. The ever-charming green gardens and palm-trees have miserably dried up; the livestock keepers with their assets have migrated to different areas of district Kharan.

The children and youth from other parts worlds go to schools and colleges in their respective ages while the children in Raaskoh, unfortunately, don’t have the opportunity to acquire education. From their birth they suffer lifelong disabilities, life-threatening illness or in quest of employment they are forced to go to Iran and Gulf countries and as a result, they are subjected to exploitation and degradation.

Despite all the complete and necessary travel documents, they are not allowed to work comfortably, sometimes they are sent home empty-handed after being deprived of two to three years of hard-earned savings in other countries during checkouts at [airports or detention centres].

They have no diplomatic status and backing and are subjected to severe mental and financial torture when applying for a visa for only one month or a maximum of three months. Now the remaining deficit has been filled by the outbreak of the Cronovirus, due to which, majority of the youth are unemployed and have returned to their homes and spending most of their time idly.

In the present age, ten primary schools of Raskoh have been closed for the past one year because of lack of teachers. Furthermore, there is only one middle school for girls and one for boys in for a population of almost 5,000 the entire Union Council (UC).

In the whole UC, there is only one Public Health Unit (PHU) – hospital – which is located in Eerie Kallag. Till today, the children and youth of Raskoh are appealing for their educational and other basic facilities from the rulers.

Here are some queries.

When will the fate of Raaskoh change?

When will the rulers of this country pay heed?

When will the youth of Raskoh get decent employment in this country rather than working as daily wages labours in foreign?

When will the people of Raskoh get their basic rights including education, healthcare, clean water, electricity and other basic facilities?

These are questions that people of Raaskoh, especially the youth, have been asking which ruler may never be able to answer.

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