Balochistan: Iran Executes Seven Prisoners, Including Five Baloch and Two Afghan Nationals
FBM strongly opposes occupying state designs to divide Balochistan

QUETTA – (Press Release) The head of the Free Balochistan Movement (FBM) Information department, Gamshad Baloch, in a statement said that the life of the Baloch people, under decades of colonial rule of occupying Iran has become unbearable. The brutality of the state against Baloch people from all walks of life in various forms sees no abating in occupied Balochistan.
The FBM statement further read that Nobody is immune from Iran’s state oppression and enslavement is widespread across Balochistan and other parts of Iran. The victims of atrocities from all walks of life including students, religious scholars, businessmen, writers of Balochi language in literature and arts, social media activists, who migrated abroad and raised their voices in international media against Iranian atrocities, are constantly blackmailed through tactics of coercion and intimidation of their loved ones living in the Baloch homeland.
Iran, dominated by the Persian nation, has a long history of Baloch animosities. Its atrocities against the Baloch nation have been intensified over the last two decades. Iran has left no stone unturned in depriving the Baloch of their basic rights such as political and cultural freedom. Recently valuable palm orchards and wheat crops of poor peasants have been set on fire in many parts of Balochistan. The brutal culling of their livestock is also included in their heinous crimes.
Several young Baloch prisoners have been hanged on a crane in various public in front of their parents on bogus cases.
Iran has been pursuing a policy of complete sealing of the arbitrary border for decades separating Baloch families and relatives on both sides of their own homeland. All avenues of the honorable jobs for Baloch people have been closed.
In these difficult circumstances, Baloch children are forced to petty border trade in their own homeland ferrying saleable necessities of daily life.
“When Baloch youth travel across the arbitrary border (GoldSmid Line) to buy and sell goods, they face bullets of occupying Iranian and Pakistani armies. Baloch youth are being killed on daily basis in this fashion by both occupying states of Iran and Pakistan. Both Persian and Punjabi armies are using various tactics to completely annihilate the Baloch nation. While the drug mafia, connected to the global and regional market, has been given full freedom under the patronage of the occupying governments in occupied Balochistan,” Baloch said.
He further added that the economic beneficiaries of the drug trade in Balochistan are military and intelligence personnel from Iran, Pakistan, and their regional agents. Given their free movement and easy access to the global drug market, the scourge of drugs is fast spreading among the youth in every part of Balochistan. Their aim of a free flow of drugs in Baloch society is to completely paralyze Baloch youth by exposing them to drug addiction. The enemy forces have succeeded in their nefarious design against the Baloch nation.
Iranian and Pakistani state repression has given rise to Baloch nationalism among Baloch youth for national liberation and the passionate spirit of Baloch youth to be the owner of their own future has panicked Iran. So, in order to contain the Baloch liberation movement, Iran has started its nefarious design of dividing Balochistan into further three administrative units thereby deleting the name and identity of Balochistan with an unnatural name “Sistan” at demographic change at its core.
He maintained, “According to our information, the Iranian army is going to build one of its largest military cantonments in the coastal city of Chabahar in Iranian occupied Balochistan with installations of tanks, jet fighters, long-range surface-to-surface missiles in the near future.
“Similarly occupying the Pakistani army is also hatching the conspiracies to separate the coastal belt of Balochistan from the rest of Balochistan in the name of ‘South Balochistan’ in a bid to house China’s expansionist ambitions in Occupied Balochistan, he said.
He said, “The FBM, under the leadership of Baloch leader Hyrbyair Marri, will continue to oppose Iranian and Pakistani designs to divide Balochistan with unwavering commitment and struggle for Baloch national unity and independence.”
Finally FBM Spokesman, Gamshad Baloch said, “We fully support Baloch Social Media Activists’ campaign #IranStopDividingBaluchistan on Saturday to raise voice against the Iranian intention of dividing Balochistan.
He advised FBM activists to take part in the campaign to expose the evil designs of Iran and Pakistan against the Baloch nation.