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Iran-Pakistan nexus against Baloch nation

By Shahdad Baloch
The recent developments in Balochistan under the occupation of both Iran and Pakistan have left again a question mark before a few nations and certain fabrics of Baloch people that whether Iran is in favour of Balochistan freedom struggle or countering it in nexus with Pakistan in a rational manner. To understand the double standards of Iran against the Baloch nation one has to understand the relationship between Iran and Pakistan. Iran is the first country that accepted Pakistan and opened diplomatic ties with it.
Even Iran did not consider the position of mighty India which was broken by colonial powers and modern-day Pakistan was carved out from it for their vested interests. It reflects the hidden motives that like Pakistan, Iran also has a take on Hindus or ‘infidel Indians’. It shows Iran is as much of a religious fundamentalist state as Pakistan.
This policy of both shows that these dogmatic and fanatic states have hatred for none-Muslim nations as well as secular people like the Baloch, Kurds, Turks of South Azerbaijan and Arabs of Ahwaz. This ruling policy of both colonial states is the primary diplomatic bound that keeps them on the same page. The mastermind of building a cordial relationship with Pakistan is Iran because Iran is the first country that has giant geo-strategic Balochistan under its occupation and whereas Pakistan occupied the rest of Balochistan, Iran promptly responded for mutual relationships with Pakistan just to strengthen their occupations respectively.
Recently Iran killed dozens of poor Baloch who were earning for their one-time meal. The fact is that the Baloch did not carry weapons with them neither they responded before Iranian terrorist IRGC rifles, they just died in misery just for a single meal. On the other hand, Pakistan is crying wolf about Kashmiri but on this massacre Pakistani branded Islamic narrative was silent. It seems as Pakistan and Iran have decided on a high diplomatic level that they need new tactics to kill Baloch so they bare themselves from international human rights organizations and foreign media. This economic terrorism which was curtailed by Iran and Pakistan for a long time suddenly came before the world. Baloch leader and head of free Balochistan movement Mr Hyrbyair Marri timely responded to the prevailing situation by saying:
“Javad Zarif & Iranian Mullahs claim that American sanctions are economic terrorism. In reality, the Iranian state is committing economic terrorism against the Baloch people. On 22 Feb IRGC murdered more than 10 Baloch traders on the arbitrary border which divides Balochistan.
“Several dozen people were as well injured, their pickup trucks were set ablaze by the IRGC forces. Iran has not only occupied Balochistan and looting its natural resources, but it has also severely restricted Baloch people’s movement within our homeland.”
Hyrbyair Marri Baloch pro-freedom leader and head of Free Balochistan Movement
The four facet Iran is itself shedding crocodile tears and calling American judicious economic sanctions “economic terrorism “. America has merely put sanctions on Iran but what Iran is doing with Baloch is that its killing Baloch for merely earning bread and butter. Iran’s policy towards Baloch is depriving Baloch of politics and killing them on an economic basis by labelling them as drug Mafias or narcosis.
Mr Hyrbyair Marri has been exposing Iran’s stance on the Baloch nation. He during one of his interviews through the platform of the Free Balochistan Movement added that since past decades and hitherto Iran is labelling the Baloch nation as smugglers and through this manner Iran is maligning Baloch history and distorting it before the world. His saying and set foreign policy for the success of freedom of Balochistan movement came true when recently Iran killed dozens of Baloch and following few days Pakistan’s Counter-Terrorism Department also killed five missing persons in a fake encounter.
Iran-Pakistan nexus against Baloch nation and the world remained always in a limelight but the new developments of delivering suicide drones to Houthi tribe against Saudi Arabia and America. Iran through its proxy is paying the way for China against America and the west in case of any conventional or unconventional warfare. Iran is routinely killing humanity by weaponising children and prevailing literature of hatred against Saudi Arabia, the Arab world and the West. On those footings where Iranian terrorist IRGC is handicapped for supplying weapons to set proxies, Pakistan is assisting Iranian proxies through Pakistani occupied Baloch Sea.
Recently, there were reports that the Pakistani navy is leading the supply of weapons to the Iranian backed proxies so that both Iran and Pakistan could make a pathway for China against America. Baloch leader and head of free Balochistan movement Mr Hyrbyair Marri have crystal clear policy against both Iran and Pakistan. He has a big flow of information about Iran and Pakistan patch up against the world and Baloch freedom struggle. It is now the turn of global peace-loving leaders and organization to consider the statements issued by Baloch leader Mr Hyrbyair Marri and built a nexus against devil designs of both Iran and Pakistan.
Without the contribution of the Baloch nation, no technology or advancement could bring peace to the region. Ultimately one day world has to recognise the Baloch freedom struggle for restricting global unanimous foreign policy against the troika Iran, Pakistan and China. So the soul of wit lies in the fact that prompts decision and actions should be taken on an immediate basis to avoid further catastrophe.