Balochistan: Iran Executes Seven Prisoners, Including Five Baloch and Two Afghan Nationals
Baloch Stand with the Ahwazian Arab people in their Struggle for Freedom

London: Absolutely fed up with discrimination, lack of social amenities, lack of water, unemployment, social justice, the people of the occupied Arab land of Al-Ahwaz took to the streets in protest and chanted the slogan against atrocities in front of the security forces of occupying Iranian regime.According to social media reports, the current protest rally of citizens of the occupied land of Al-Ahwaz is about water scarcity and youth unemployment and lack of electricity!The Arab Al-Ahwazi region where the protest rallies are taking place are Koramshar, shoosh, handimashk, shawar, soosngard, mahshar, shawar, karkey, kout abdollah, kout Sayed naheema, flahya, and the zealous Arab youth also demonstrated in Mashhad, Khorasan, the video reports are constantly appearing in facebook and other social media networks. It is also reported that the occupying criminal regime of Iran has also cut off the Internet in occupied all Ahwazian region for the fear that people would report their criminal acts in international media. The reports seeped out of region say that a large number of Arab youths have been killed and wounded during the protests. Reports also say that the occupying Iran security forces have detained a large number of Arab activists who took part in the protests in order to prevent them from continuing their protest against Iranian atrocities. The detainees are reportedly being transported to unknown locations by police buses. Confirmed news also says that the Arab security men confronted the police officers of Persian ethnics after watching the Iranian enemy’s crimes against the Ahwazi people.Last night, Abadan city of Ahwaz witnessed waves of protest against Iranian regime chanting to “Release us from captivity, we were a free nation”. It is noteworthy to mention here that Abadan city of occupied Ahwaz is the first port city where oil refinery was built in 1911 for export. The Arab leaders of Ahwaz are constantly calling for unity among other oppressed nationalities; they say it is now the time for all peoples of Ahwaz, Azerbaijan, Balochistan Turkmenistan and Kurdistan to get their demands fulfilled! Baloch political activist of Free Balochistan Movement, Faiz Mohammed Baloch says that we Baloch stand with our Arab brothers in their struggle against Iranian colonial rule in occupied Ahwaz and we’re ready for a meaningful cooperation and support as we Baloch are also suffering at the hands of ultra-nationalism of Persian regime of Iran.