Balochistan: BYC Organises “Defence of Baloch Values” Protests
Hyrbyair Marri condemns the mass executions of Baloch by Iran
LONDON: The pro-freedom Baloch and head of the Free Balochistan Movement, Hyrbyair Marri in a statement to the media said that the Iranian theocratic regime is engaged in slow-motion genocide of the Baloch people in Iranian-occupied Balochistan (IOB).
He said that the execution of 17 Baloch prisoners on trumped-up charges is not a new phenomenon in Balochistan. Making fake cases against the Baloch people to legitimise and legalise “Balochocide” Baloch genocide is an old Iranian policy.
Hyrbyair Marri said that ‘the Iranian regime may execute hundreds more Baloch in the coming weeks, we have received information that more than 120 Baloch prisoners are on death row awaiting execution in Zahedan Central Prison.
Hyrbyair Marri said that on one hand, the Iranian Mullah regime is murdering Baloch people disproportionally from Balochistan to Golestan, and on the other hand, Europeans and Americans are still trying to accommodate the Iranian regime.
He asked whether the Baloch and other innocent people who are being murdered by the Iranian regime, are to be considered less human than light-skinned Ukrainians?
Hyrbyair Marri noted that Baloch people are fewer than other nationalities in Iran, but according to the independent human rights organisations, the Baloch constitute 25% of the victims who were executed by Iran in the last five months.
The Baloch leader emphasised that the policies of the Iranian regime against the Baloch people are genocide, and it should be seen as such by the western powers and international human rights organisations.