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Balochistan: The head of Counter Terrorism Department Kharan shot dead
QUETTA: The spokesperson of Baloch Liberation Army, Azad Baloch, has said in a statement to media that on July 15, Baloch Liberation Army fighters have shot dead the head of CTD (Counter Terrorism Department) near Noroozabad Road in Kharan city.
According to BLA statement Eid Muhammad Mohammad Hasani alias Edu has previously served as SHO in Kharan Police Department for many years before joining CTD.
“He was an important collaborator of Pakistan’s secret agency ISI and was using his position and powers to support them from the beginning. He was Keeping an eye on the movements of Baloch Sarmachars at the behest of secret agencies. He set up checkpoints and blockades in the area, arbitrarily arrested innocent Baloch youth on fabricated charges and handed them to intelligence agencies.
The organizational policy regarding the Baloch employees and officials within the police, levies and other military institutions including CTD has been made clear from the first day that any official who is a tool of the Pakistani army or secret agencies against the Baloch national movement, will treated as enemy.
However, with the passage of time, this policy was amended, in the recent past, several local informants, including the Pakistani secret agencies’ collaborators in the police and Levies and their relatives have been personally contacted and gaven the time and opportunity to right their wrongs.
After recording the assurance and apologies of families including that of the police, Levies and other local operatives of Pakistani forces, the organization has pardoned several of them for being Baloch and on the condition that they will not work for Pakistani forces including CTD, intelligence agencies and army in future.
BLA in its statement further said, “during this time we also sent messages to CTD officer Eid Muhammad but he did not stop and continued to work against the Baloch cause and in the recent past he transferred himself from police to Counter Terrorism Department in a well-thought-out plan.
“The CTD is made to accelerate Baloch genocide and its being used by the enemy state of Pakistan as a frontline force against the Baloch freedom struggle,” the BLA statement read.
Azad Baloch said that this action is a clear message once again to all the Baloch officials and employees in the Police, CTD and Levies officials who currently working for the secret agencies that they should limit themselves to their job and stop being loyal to Pakistan’s brutal anti Baloch institutions.
“We strongly warn them to apologize to the Baloch nation and the organization (BLA) and refrain from part of the Baloch genocide, otherwise they too will meet the same fate as former SHO Police Eid Muhammad and Levies officer Abdul Rahman Lalu,” the pro-freedom Baloch organisation warned.
The statement of BLA maintained, “In particular, the organization has irrefutable evidence against the Isa Zai brothers in the Kharan City Police Station. Isa Zai brothers have been involved in various crimes against the Baloch movement along with former police SHO Eid Muhammad.
“Making the Baloch nation as witness, the organization gives respite to these people to immediately apologise for their crimes and come clean otherwise action will be taken against them.”