Balochistan: Iran Executes Seven Prisoners, Including Five Baloch and Two Afghan Nationals
Free Balochistan Movement commemorates Baloch Martyrs Day

LONDON: The Free Balochistan Movement has organised different tributary programs outside and inside Balochistan on ‘Shahmeeren Balochani Ruch’ – The Baloch Martyrs Day.
The FBM activists in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and the United States in Karachi held programs to pay tributes and homage to Baloch national Martyrs and pledged to continue the mission of thousands of men, women, children and elders who laid their lives in defence of Balochistan.
Tributes were also paid to those Baloch pro-freedom activists who are currently disappeared or languishing in the prisons of Iranian and Pakistani states.
In London United Kingdom, Kurdish activists from Eastern Kurdistan, Ahwazi activists and British Human Rights campaigners also participated to show their support and solidarity with the people of Balochistan.
The Vice President of Free Balochistan Movement Dr Shahzavar Karimzadi, Head of the Information Department Nobat Baloch, Member of National Council Junaid Baloch, Balochistan Raaji Zrumbesh leader Ismail Amiri, Baloch blogger and political activist Mehrab Sarju, Baloch rights campaigner and Banuk Mahnaz Baloch, Representative of KJAR (The Community of Free Women of Eastern Kurdistan), Mehri Rezai, Representative of KNK (Kurdish National Congress) and the chairman of Nations Without States Graham Williamson addressed the participants.
In their speeches, they pay rich tributes to Baloch Martyrs and victims of Iranian and Pakistani state atrocities in Balochistan. They emphasised the need for unity among oppressed and occupied nations so that their voice can be heard by world powers and decision-makers.
Sonia Karimi said that the situation in ‘our region is changing fast and if we’re not prepared and united we cannot take advantage of the current rapid regional change.’
Graham Williamson said that the Baloch are treated as lesser human beings by world powers because they are yet to recognise the Baloch sacrifices and sufferings. ‘Until the Baloch are a free nation and the killing, disappearances and human rights violations of Baloch by occupiers will continue, unfortunately.’
Other speakers highlighted the history of the Baloch struggle, Iranian and Pakistani state brutalities since the occupation of Baloch and the methods of torture and terror these ‘religious fundamentalist’ state use against Baloch people in their efforts to counter the Baloch freedom struggle.
They also praised the fact the majority of the Baloch nation and pro-freedom parties have accepted and adopted 13 November as Baloch Martyrs Day and added that such days and national symbols should be used to unite the nation.
The FBM USA Branch held an event in Philadelphia in honour of Baloch Martyrs. Apart from members of the Baloch Community, Sindhi and Gilgit Baltistani political and human rights activists also participated in the Baloch Martyrs Day event and paid their respects to the fallen heroes of Balochistan.
The USA organiser of the Baloch National Movement Nabi Bakhsh Baloch and Sami Baloch also participated in the FBM program and paid tributes to martyrs of the Baloch freedom struggle.
The renowned human rights advocate from Gilgit Baltistan Senge Sering and senior journalist and writer Arif Jamal joined the Baloch Martyrs Day event and paid homage to those who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of Balochistan and the future of coming Baloch generations.
Jamal Nasser Baloch, the head of the Free Balochistan Movement Foreign Affairs Department highlighted the importance of 13 November and Balochistan’s historical background.
The Free Balochistan Movement Netherlands Branch held a candlelight vigil outside of the International Court of Justice in Hague city.
The participants in the gathering said that on this day we remember all the Baloch martyrs who fought for freedom without any profit or greed. They also shed light on the atrocities against the Baloch people by Iran and Pakistan and said that both states have been killing Baloch under different pretexts since they occupied the sovereign Baloch country.
They said during these years of colonialism and occupation not only thousands of Baloch have been killed but also many pro-freedom Baloch activists and leaders have suffered jails and torture. Baloch leaders were awarded more than twenty years of imprisonment for resisting the illegal occupation of Balochistan whereas thousands of Baloch highly educated Baloch have been disappeared by Pakistani forces.
The FBM activists in their speeches paid glowing tributes to Baloch Martyrs from Iranian Occupied Balochistan including the martyrs of the Dozzaap (Zahedan) massacre and others who were mercilessly killed by Iranian forces during peaceful protests.
They said Iran like Pakistan was an oppressive and occupying state who have been engaged in Human Rights violations in Balochistan for the past many years.
They pledged to highlight the Pakistan and Iranian state atrocities and brutalities in Balochistan at all levels and on every platform and expressed the resolve that the oppression and persecution of the Baloch people would end.
The FBM activists also held a program in Karachi to pay tribute to the martyrs of Balochistan on the occasion of 13 November Baloch Martyrs Day.
‘Today, the Baloch nation pledges that they will continue to fight for their motherland on an ideological and intellectual basis. This day is in the name of those who consider their ideology and principles more valuable than their lives and adopt the path that immortalizes them forever’
In its statement, the FBM activists said that Free Balochistan Movement pays homage to all those martyrs of Balochistan who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the country while resisting against fascist states like Pakistan and Iran.
The Free Balochistan Movement will strive to fulfil the goal of independence and will raise its voice against the brutalities of Pakistan and Iran at every forum.