Balochistan: Iran Executes Seven Prisoners, Including Five Baloch and Two Afghan Nationals
Free Balochistan Movement activists express solidarity with Ahwazi Arabs and Kurds

LONDON: Saturday, April 22, Free Balochistan Movement UK branch activists participated in the long march and protest of the Coordination Committee for Al-Ahwaz against illegal occupation and human rights violations in Al-Ahwaz and Balochistan.
In protest, members from both nations raised slogans against Iran’s illegal occupation of Baluchistan and Al-Hawaz. They also carried their national flags, banners and placards.
Speaking to the public, the speakers said that Iran is occupying Balochistan, Al-Hawaz Kurdistan and South Azerbaijan from the ground and is involved in genocide to deprive these nations of their right to freedom.
The Long March started from Trafalgar Square and ended outside 10 Downing Street, UK PM’s official residence.
Meanwhile, in Germany also the FBM activists attended a Seminar of the Platform for Democratic Iran (DPI) in Koln city.
Razieh Baluch, a member of the Free Balochistan Movement, was invited as one of the guest speakers to talk about the situation of Balochistan and Maho Baloch Movement – a movement that started in Iranian Occupied Balochistan after the rape of a Baloch girl by Chabahar police chief.
Razieh Baluch said that Zhina Amini Movement and Maho Baloch Movement brought the oppressed nations of Kurd and Baloch closer to each other despite the fact they live thousands of miles away.
She added that just like the murder of Zhina Amini, the Chabahar incident has also started a new wave of awakening among Baloch women in Balochistan.
The Baloch women in the Western part of Balochistan are playing a more active role in the current struggle. Whereas Baloch women in the Eastern part of Balochistan are already at the forefront of the struggle for justice and freedom.
She added that oppressed nations need to unite, cooperate with each other and use their energy for the freedom of their lands from foreign invaders.