China Plays a Central Role in Supporting Iran and Pakistan’s Expansionist Ambitions: FBM
China Iran Pakistan trilateral consultation will result in acceleration of Baloch genocide: Hyrbyair Marri
LONDON: Baloch national leader and head of the Free Balochistan Movement (FBM), Hyrbyair Marri, in a statement has said that the so called counter-terrorism and regional security consultation between China, Iran and Pakistan in Beijing was to promote collaboration between the troika, the axis of evil at the expense of the Baloch people.
Mr Marri said the meeting has nothing to do with regional security or terrorism. It is Balochistan centric and this troika is making plans on how to terrorise the Baloch nation, how to suppress, annihilate, steal and plunder from Balochistan. We see this meeting of the axis of evil as a direct threat to the Baloch nation and the future of Balochistan. The communist, imperialist China has joined forces with the two pseudo Islamic republics who are the occupiers of Eastern and Western occupied Balochistan, to further it’s Belt and road initiatives.
Mr. Marri further said that while China claims to pursue non-confrontational policies, it’s actions suggest otherwise. It appears that China is actively guiding and backing Iran and Pakistan against the Baloch people, as China has invested hundreds of billions of dollars in both parts of occupied Balochistan. China finds the Baloch to be the biggest hurdle to their investment in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as Balochistan is situated at a globally strategic location, which China is exploiting without the permission of the Baloch and at the expense of Baloch livelihood.
Mr Marri said China and Pakistan have already displaced thousands of Baloch families from the CPEC route and Gwadar port areas and have erected fences around Gwadar city and port areas. Pakistan established several hundreds of checkpoints along the CPEC route and in the city of Gwadar, to protect China’s interests and prevent Baloch from entering into the City. An apartheid of Baloch at the behest of China.
He said the recent so-called counter terrorism meeting is another conspiracy of China, Iran and Pakistan to collude and intensify the loot and plunder of Balochistan’s natural resources, destroy the Baloch nation and suppress the just movement of Baloch people for their freedom. It is alarming and a wakeup call for the Baloch nation and every Baloch should know that none of these three axes of evil can be sympathisers and well-wishers of the Baloch nation. Among them is an expansionist China, with a track record of encroaching into other countries such as Tibet, Xinjiang and Hong Kong. Even the UN Human Rights officials have raised serious concerns about the detention of the one million Uyghur population that has been kept in concentration camps. China has been blackmailing and using it’s power and money by taking ports from poor nations – their presence is ubiquitous from Asia and Africa to Latin America, to fulfil their expansionist desires.
China has now taken over as the new helmsman in the Baloch genocide, instructing that these two occupiers, Iran and Pakistan, eradicate the Baloch nation and bring about a demographic change to make space for the Chinese and Punjabi. This is to fulfil their desires of looting and plundering Baloch wealth and taking advantage of its strategic location. Now that the Chinese are directly involved in Balochistan’s decimation and destruction, it is easier for us, the Baloch, to show the world that China is not the peaceful nation it claims to be.
Mr Marri said that China has established a Naval base in Jiwani and is building a large underground nuclear submarine base in Sonmiani, under the protection of the Pakistani army. Meanwhile, the Baloch are being forcefully removed and being displaced from these areas to create a safe haven for the Chinese to control Balochistan and Central Asian states through their expansionist plans.
He further stated that the Free Balochistan Movement will soon hold round-the-clock vigils in front of Chinese embassies in European nations and North America. This protest is against China’s expansionist designs and support of Iranian and Pakistani occupiers against the Baloch. FBM’s goal is to highlight China’s intention, which is to make Gwadar an integral part of strengthening its ‘String of Pearls’ strategy and making Gwadar a part of their heinous plans for global Domination.