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China Plays a Central Role in Supporting Iran and Pakistan’s Expansionist Ambitions: FBM

LONDON: The spokesperson for the Free Balochistan Movement (FBM) stated that the Baloch nation has no interest in the governance methods or administrative changes imposed by occupying states. Instead, the FBM, as a pro-freedom Baloch party, is fully focused on finding ways to end the occupation of both Iran and Pakistan, with the ultimate goal of achieving Baloch national freedom.
The statement further highlighted that the Iranian occupying state continues to uphold policies of Baloch national genocide through various methods and has now escalated these efforts. The FBM urges all Baloch freedom-loving political activists to unite in defending the collective national interests of the Baloch people.
The spokesperson added that under Iranian occupation, the Baloch have endured systemic oppression and injustice across all administrative arrangements. It is important to note that in four years, Iran’s occupation of Balochistan will reach its 100th year. Over this century, the Baloch nation has become intimately familiar with the full extent of subjugation. These experiences have led the Baloch to realise that they are fundamentally distinct from their occupiers, with their own unique culture, society, way of life, and language. Therefore, for the Baloch nation, the pursuit of complete national freedom, beyond any administrative change, holds the utmost significance. While the desire for a democratic welfare state or a secular Iranian state free from religious bias may be the aspiration of some Persian communities, the core of the Baloch national struggle is the complete and unconditional freedom of the Baloch people.
The FBM in its statement said that in their struggle for national freedom, the Baloch are also committed to the creation of an independent and sovereign Balochistan, one that is shaped into a democratic welfare state where people of all races, religions, and ethnicities are treated equally in legal and social matters, and where every adult individual has the democratic right to vote.
In light of the changing regional situation, the FBM’s goal is to intensify efforts, both regionally and globally, to demonstrate to the international community and like-minded nations that the Baloch people value only their complete and unconditional freedom and will accept nothing less.
The FBM spokesperson expressed concern over Iran’s recent efforts to divide Balochistan and exploit its resources with the aid of Chinese investment. These efforts, which involve furthering the economic and industrial exploitation of Balochistan, are part of a broader plan to undermine Baloch sovereignty, with China playing a central role in supporting Iranian and Pakistani expansionist ambitions in the region.
The FBM also raised alarms about Iran’s plans to move its capital from Tehran to the coastal belt of Balochistan, seeing this as a calculated attempt to alter the demographic balance in the region. Iran intends to settle large numbers of non-Baloch people, particularly from the Persian community, in Balochistan, with the goal of reducing the Baloch population to a minority.
The FBM believes this is a deliberate strategy to weaken the political and social strength of the Baloch people.
The statement condemned the ongoing destruction of Baloch homes along the coastal strip, which has been exacerbated by the Iranian regime’s aggressive tactics. Furthermore, many Baloch individuals are being falsely implicated in criminal cases and coerced into supporting the Iranian narrative. The spokesperson termed these actions part of Iran’s broader agenda to suppress Baloch identity and further its expansionist goals.
In conclusion, the FBM reiterated its unwavering commitment to the struggle for Balochistan’s independence, emphasising that the core philosophy of Baloch national freedom is rooted in the belief that the land of united Balochistan is one single entity. Regardless of the circumstances or hardships faced by the Baloch people anywhere in the world, they remain one nation. The Free Balochistan Movement affirmed that it will never neglect its responsibilities in the fight for the restoration and freedom of united Balochistan and will continue to safeguard the national interests of the Baloch people.