Punjab’s arrogance and the Unyielding Baloch Quest for Liberation

 Punjab’s arrogance and the Unyielding Baloch Quest for Liberation

By Shahdad Baloch

For decades, the Punjabi military junta and political elite have manipulated the common Punjabi masses, crafting a narrative of supremacy while exploiting the resources and lives of others—most notably the Baloch nation. The very foundation of Pakistan was laid upon deception, and its architects ensured that Punjab remained blind to the brutal reality imposed upon the Baloch people. The military thugs who rule Pakistan engineered emotional and psychological warfare, feeding their citizens propaganda while ensuring they never questioned the systematic murder of their so-called founder, Jinnah, who was left to perish in isolation.

When the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) demolished Jinnah’s residence in Ziarat, the Punjabi state reacted with outrage. Yet, these same voices never demanded an investigation into Jinnah’s death—an assassination meticulously orchestrated by the very military that now occupies Balochistan. This temporary entity called Pakistan is the world’s greatest strategic blunder, as predicted by Baloch leader Hyrbyair Marri, who forewarned of the endless turmoil it would bring unless the sovereignty of Balochistan is restored.

The Punjabi masses have been deceived by their corrupt military establishment, which has committed war crimes against the Baloch people with impunity. Veteran Baloch leader Nawab Khair Bux Marri revealed horrifying details of how the Pakistani military mutilated Baloch bodies, threw them from helicopters, and even boiled prisoners alive. The fate of Chairman Ghulam Muhammad and his companions, tossed from helicopters over Murgap, is just one example of the systematic genocide inflicted upon the Baloch. These atrocities, ignored by the international community, are not forgotten by the Baloch nation.

Ignorant Punjab, intoxicated by its blind faith in its military overlords, dismisses the Baloch struggle as trivial, despite its historical significance as a war for identity and survival. The Punjabi generals, infamous for their brutality, construct false narratives through state-controlled media while continuing their relentless plunder of Balochistan’s wealth. These same war criminals—Musharraf, Kiyani, Bajwa, Raheel Sharif—have been shielded by global powers that choose silence over justice.

But the Baloch are no longer willing to be victims. The message is clear: Punjab must break free from its subservience to military deception and recognize the reality on the ground. The colonial-style exploitation of Balochistan is unsustainable. The days of propaganda and coercion are numbered, and the withdrawal of the Punjabi establishment from Baloch soil is inevitable.

The Punjabi people must decide—will they continue their legacy of silence and servitude, or will they push for a peaceful resolution before more blood is spilled? Balochistan will not be subdued. The Baloch nation has already resisted empires, from the Portuguese to the British, and now stands unyielding against the Punjabi military machine. The resistance has already shattered the illusion of Pakistan’s invincibility, defeating the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project and halting the plunder of Baloch resources.

Pakistan was imposed on Balochistan, and just like previous colonial oppressors, it will be driven out. The Baloch nation, armed with guerrilla skills and strategic thinking, has left Pakistan and its nexus of enemies without options. The Baloch people have long declared their identity through war and resistance, as immortalized in their poetry:

دشمن تورسا پیڑ و مہار
توپک دستا منی اس ء گوار
بینگ و ابینگ پجا معیار
ہر دی کوکار ہردی جار
بیرک ء سبزو سور بیار

O Enemy, you have bound our hands, but in our hands are rifles! Our war standard is high, and our call to battle shall never fade. We march in unity, beneath the banners of resistance and the blood of our martyrs!

The Punjabi state must wake up from its delusion—either withdraw peacefully or face the wrath of a nation that has never accepted subjugation. The Baloch resistance will persist, and its victory is inevitable.

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