Execution of Baloch by Iran is deplorable: FBM

 Execution of Baloch by Iran is deplorable: FBM

QUETTA: The Free Balochistan Movement in a statement on Wednesday strongly condemned the continuous executions and transfer of two Baloch scholars Amanullah Balochi and Abdul Rahim Kohi to an isolation cell for execution by Iran.

The families of the Baloch scholars said that they have been formally informed by the jail authorities for the last visit to with their loved ones.

Amanullah Balochi and Hafiz Abdul Rahim Kohi were arrested by occupying Iranian forces in November 2015 and were forced to confess after severe mental and physical torture in Iranian state torture cells. The so-called Revolutionary Court of Iran also sentenced these Baloch scholars to ten years each in prison.

Family sources of the inmates said that the Iranian authorities are demanding the handover of two fugitives (who fled the country) to stop their execution.

The Free Balochistan Movement said that it stands with the Baloch nation at every level and in every difficult time as responsible pro-freedom political party with an unambiguous stand on the independence of Occupied Balochistan.

The FBM urged the United Nations, international Human Rights organizations and the international community to take note of Tehran’s brutal policies and actions such as the Baloch genocide and hold Iran accountable.

The FBM also appealed to the civilized nations of the world to take immediate notice of the state atrocities inflicted on the Baloch nation by Iran and to assist the Baloch nation in all respects.

The Free Balochistan Movement pledged all political and moral support to the Baloch people of Iranian occupied Balochistan.


Iran has temporarily halted the execution of two Baloch scholars who were transferred to solitary confinement on January 16.  The men were returned to the general ward of the prison now January 20.

The two Baloch clerics were charged with membership in opposition groups, moharebeh (enemy of God), and acting against national security, accusations that the two Baloch clerics had repeatedly denied.

Their death sentences were met with a sharp response from prominent Baloch Sunni clerics, tribal elders and political parties from Balochistan.

The execution of the two Baloch clerics has been suspended until further notice due to media coverage and angry response from Baloch nation after their transfer to quarantine.

However, the Iranian “judiciary” revolutionary court has asked the families of the two clerics to extradite two of their relatives who oppose the regime and are abroad to stop the execution.

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