Balochistan: Iran hangs two Baloch youth, third at risk of imminent execution

 Balochistan: Iran hangs two Baloch youth, third at risk of imminent execution

DOZZAAP (Zahedan): Iranian authorities have carried out the death sentence of 31-year-old Baloch political prisoner Javid Dehghan-Khold in the early hour of Saturday morning, January 30, at Zahedan Central Prison.

He had been sentenced to death on political and security charges. He was charged with “moharebeh (enmity against God) through pulling a weapon and attacking two IRGC agents and membership and effective collaboration with anti-system groups (Jaish ul-Adl and Jaysh al-Nasr).”

Mr Dehghan was executed a day after the OHCHR (Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights) and the Amnesty International had demanded that many prisoners, including Javed Dehqan’s execution, should be stopped.

OHCHR urged the Iranian authorities to review Mr. Dehghan’s case in line with human rights law, citing “serious fair trial violations”.

The Amnesty International had also urged Iran to ‘immediately halt’ Javid’s execution, “The Iranian authorities must immediately halt the execution of Javid Dehghan, a member of Iran’s disadvantaged Baluchi ethnic minority, scheduled to take place in less than 48 hours on 30 January 202”

 Highlighting a shocking catalogue of fair trial violations throughout the investigation, trial and appeal stages, the organization urged the Iranian authorities to quash the death sentence of the 31-year-old man and grant his lawyer’s request for a fair retrial.

However, despite the calls from international human rights bodies the Iranian authorities put the Baloch youth to death. It is yet to be seen whether amnesty and UN Human Rights will take any further action against Iran.

Two days earlier on 28 January, a Baloch prisoner named Anwar Naroi son of Yar Mohammad resident of Pehra / Iranshahr city of Iranian occupied Balochistan was in Isfahan’s Dastgerd jail.

His family had a final visit with him inside the jail a day before his execution.

 Mr Nario was charged with drug offences but he was denied access to lawyers to defend himself in court.

The Baloch Activists Campaign quoted a source as saying, “Anwar’s father sold his possessions and spent them for his release, and his mother grief suffered a stroke due to grief of her son’s absence and lost her life.”

The source added: “Despite huge expenses, Anwar was executed in Dastgerd prison in Isfahan on Thursday, and his body was buried in the city of Pehreh on Friday.”

Executions of Baloch prisoners have risen sharply in the past month, with at least 16 Baloch prisoners executed.

It should be noted that several other Baluch prisoners in Dozzaap Central Prison are also at risk of execution, which Baluch civil and political activists have expressed concern about.

Risk of imminent execution:

 According to relatives of Mehran Naroi Baloch informed Baloch rights campaigners about the danger of executing his imminent death sentence in Dastgerd prison in Isfahan.

The Campain for Baloch Activists reported that 34-year-old Mehran Naroi son of Khodadad resident of Nosrat_Abad Dozzaap (Zahedan) is currently imprisoned in Dastgerd prison in Isfahan.

Mr Naroi who holds a bachelor’s degree in political science was arrested with Anwar Naroi, who was executed on Thursday 28 January in the same prison. “He is in imminent risk of execution,” the CBA reported.

They have been charged with drug offences.

The two prisoners were denied the right to a lawyer and their death sentences were upheld by the Supreme Court in 2017.

The BAC (Baloch Activists Campaign) further reported, “Mehran and Anwar had no previous criminal record. Anwar’s death sentence has already been carried out and Mehran is in imminent danger of execution.”

It further added, “Mehran is the son-in-law of Noor Mohammad Sohli Burr who was an opposition figure and was assassinated in Pakistan a few years ago.”

Mehran had contacted his relatives the day before Anwar was transferred to quarantine to enforce his death sentence. Since then there is no information about his fate. He has not contacted his family again.

The execution of Baluch prisoners has increased at an unprecedented rate in recent years. In less than two months over 20 Baloch were executed in different prisons of Iran.

Baloch youth abducted

The Iranian Intelligence Services have abducted a Baloch youth from Rask city of Wester part of Balochistan on Wednesday 27 January.

According to details, Ayoub Khadir son of  Mohammad a resident of Keshari village in the city of Rask was arrested from his home by plain-clothed agents of the intelligence agencies of Iran.

The raid on his house was carried with a court order and any other legal procedure. Ayoub family has not been informed about his whereabouts after his arrest causing them to express concern over the lack of information about his whereabouts and fate.

The extrajudicial behaviour of the judiciary and security apparatus of Iran in Balochistan has created a great deal of fear and panic among Baloch people.

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