The missing cause

by Amar Guriro It’s been a year since Baloch leader Mama Qadeer Baloch entered Islamabad after the 2,800 kilometre-long march from Quetta to Islamabad via Karachi for the safe release of abducted Baloch activists. Under the aegis of the Voice of Missing Baloch Persons (VMBP), on October 27, 2013, Mama, accompanied by some 30 women, started […]Read More

Baloch liberation struggle a deterrent to China-Pakistan pact

An unprecedented rise in military operations against civilian population has been reported in different areas of Balochistan, especially in Makuran region in past one year. In first two weeks of February Pakistani ground forces backed by gunship helicopters have carried out offensives in coastal belt of Balochistan including Pasni, Kolanch, Pedarak and surrounding areas. At least […]Read More

Why Baloch cannot benefit from their natural resources?

By, I.Baloch Pakistan occupied Balochistan’s total area is 347,190 km (134,051 square miles). According to government figures 2009 estimates, Balochistan has a population of nearly 10 million this, however, is a guesstimate because there has been no proper consensus in Balochistan. The Baloch homeland is bordered with Iran in the west, Afghanistan and the North […]Read More

Freedom is only option for Baloch nation

by Mir Haan Occupation or colonization of a nation has never been considered within the acceptable realm of democratic and enlightened norms. It is the most demeaning act that can easily quash the complete social and moral fabric of an otherwise progressive nation. It is correctly considered as the worst form of despotic measure that […]Read More

HRW annual report and Human Rights violations in Balochistan

Pakistan has been committing Human Rights violations in Balochistan since 1948 when a brigade of Pakistan army on the order of Mohammad Ali Jinnah (widely known as Jinnah) has attacked the fort of Kalat – the then capital of Balochistan. Since the occupation the basic Human Rights violation in Balochistan mostly went unnoticed due to […]Read More

Is Britain complicit in human rights violations in Balochistan?

by Faiz M Baluch Balochistan, bordering Iran to the West and Afghanistan to the North, was an independent country before the British attacked and invaded it in 1839. The Baloch ruler, at the time, Mir Mehrab Khan along with hundreds of Baloch fighters died while defending Balochistan. Later the British draw two artificial lines (borders), […]Read More

Afghanistan is a halt-place for ISIS not a destination

By Hafeez Hassanabadi Translated By Chakar Baloch Regardless of the fact that Ashraf Ghani’s first priority is peace but his news strategy under which he wants to achieve peace is not viable at all. On top of Afghanistan’s all pending issues Pakistan is preparing two new challenges for Afghanistan. Firstly different groups of Taliban will […]Read More

Balochistan: Nine killed seven abducted in latest military operation in

Pakistani security forces besieged Kodi area of Besima region in Balochistan in the early hours of Tuesday morning and opened indiscriminate shelling on civilian population killing at least nine people and injuring several others. Baloch online activists and local sources reported that victims were innocent civilians including children and elderly people. But Pakistani print and […]Read More