Tags : Afghanistan

Troubled America, Confused Pakistan and the Blood bathed Afghanistan

By Hafeez Hasanabadi – Translated by Archen Baloch One thing is certain. Americans and their allies know that Pakistani intervention in Afghanistan and its vested interests in this country are the main issues that still remain unresolved even after killing and displacing millions of people. But regrettably, while each time they attempt to resolve the […]Read More

Pompeo declines to sign risky peace deal with Taliban: report

BW News Webdesk: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has refused to sign the peace deal that his special representative has inked with the Taliban, mainly because it does not guarantee the continued presence of US forces in the country to defeat al-Qaeda or the existence of the democratically elected government, a media report said […]Read More

Pakistan’s conspiracy to sideline China from CPEC

Pakistan’s evil designs to occupy Afghanistan and crush the Baloch, and America’s repeated mistake of trusting Pakistan By Hafeez Hasanabadi Even though China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) bears the names of China and Pakistan but in near future China will either be completely expelled from the project or its control and position will be limited […]Read More

Baloch refugee shot dead in Afghanistan

BW News web desk (London): unknown motorcyclists shot dead a Baloch men in Kandahar city in Afghanistan on Tuesday Afternoon. Sources confirmed to Balochwarna News that Arz Mohammad Marri, a Baloch refugee in Afghanistan, was on his way home when men riding a motorcycle attacked him. He was taken to a local hospital with critical […]Read More

America-Taliban peace talks or the preparations of a new unending

By Hafeez Hasanabadi Until the end of the Taliban government in 2018, US officials were calling the Taliban terrorists and had ruled out any possible negotiations with them. Then suddenly their narrative has changed and they started talking with the Taliban. Before proceeding to the discussion, it is necessary to answer two questions first. So […]Read More

The Afghan Quagmire: Winners and Losers

By Shahdad Baloch The United States of America has finally announced a conditional ceasefire with the Taliban which includes a bilateral agreement between both warring parties. Both, the Taliban and the USA have shown willingness that within a framework of eighteen months the foreign troops would pull out from Afghan soil that bought win-win situations […]Read More

Peace talks or return of the Devil?

By Aamir Mengal There media reports about ‘peace talks’ between the United States and Afghan Taliban in Qatar. Every sane person in the world yearn for peace in his/her homeland and loves to live a peaceful life. It depends on peace with who is one talking about. Peace in the region is the need or […]Read More


By Lawrence Sellin It is no longer a question of whether the United States will leave Afghanistan; it is a question of under what conditions. Will it be a repeat of the chaotic withdrawal from Vietnam in 1975 and America’s subsequent timidity in the pursuit of our national interests? Or will it be simply a […]Read More