Tags : Balochistan

Is Britain complicit in human rights violations in Balochistan?

by Faiz M Baluch Balochistan, bordering Iran to the West and Afghanistan to the North, was an independent country before the British attacked and invaded it in 1839. The Baloch ruler, at the time, Mir Mehrab Khan along with hundreds of Baloch fighters died while defending Balochistan. Later the British draw two artificial lines (borders), […]Read More

Afghanistan is a halt-place for ISIS not a destination

By Hafeez Hassanabadi Translated By Chakar Baloch Regardless of the fact that Ashraf Ghani’s first priority is peace but his news strategy under which he wants to achieve peace is not viable at all. On top of Afghanistan’s all pending issues Pakistan is preparing two new challenges for Afghanistan. Firstly different groups of Taliban will […]Read More

Balochistan: Nine killed seven abducted in latest military operation in

Pakistani security forces besieged Kodi area of Besima region in Balochistan in the early hours of Tuesday morning and opened indiscriminate shelling on civilian population killing at least nine people and injuring several others. Baloch online activists and local sources reported that victims were innocent civilians including children and elderly people. But Pakistani print and […]Read More

Pakistan’s rogue army, China’s weapons and Arab states’ money in

The WikiLeaks has recently revealed that Islamic charities from Saudi Arabia and UAE are giving $100 million dollar yearly to jihadi terrorist organisations in Pakistan. The religious extremist organisation use those money to recruit new Jihadists to their networks in Southern Punjab. WikiLeaks further reported that the extremist religious organizations exploit worsening poverty in outer […]Read More

Balochistan Rebels Tied to Blackout Across Most of Pakistan

BW News Web Desk: ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Towns and cities across Pakistan plunged into darkness early Sunday when what officials said was an attack by militants on a transmission line short-circuited the national electricity grid, presenting a new indictment of the government’s faltering efforts to solve the country’s chronic power crisis. Emergency efforts to end the […]Read More

Baloch Liberation Army denies news of commander being killed in

The spokesman of Baloch Liberation Army, Meerak Baloch, has denied rumours of Pakistani media that a commander of BLA, Kareem Marri, was killed in Qandahar, Afghanistan. Mr. Baloch said: “It is important to clarify that neither our organisation has any network in Afghanistan nor there is any commander named Kareem Marri in BLA.” “The main […]Read More

Britain has a moral and legal responsibility to protect Baloch

Pakistan military is committing gross human rights in Balochistan to prolong its 67 year illegal occupation on Baloch land. They have martyred thousands of Baloch and several thousand have been disappeared who are missing without a trace from last many years. London based Baloch leader Hyrbyair Marri expressed these views in an Urdu statement to […]Read More