Tags : Balochistan

Balochistan: Media ban forces poor newspaper sellers to sleep empty

QUETTA:  A newsagent in Khuzdar city of Balochistan made a passionate appeal from parties in Balochistan conflict to lift the ban on newspapers because it is badly affecting the lives of poor newspaper seller. Mr Mohammad Siddique Moosiani on Tuesday said, “We cannot even buy milk for our children. We have been doing this job […]Read More

Balochistan: Two electricity transmission line blown up, BRA claims the

QUETTA: Unknown persons blew up two 220 KV power transmission lines in Mangoli area of district Naseerabad Balochistan on Monday. According to sources, unknown men had attached improvise explosive devices (IED) with the pylons, that went off and destroyed the electricity supply line to Shikarpur. Pakistani law enforcement agency and the bomb disposal squad reach […]Read More

Hyrbyair Marri condemns terrorist attack on Church in Quetta

LONDON: The pro-freedom Baloch leader and head of Free Balochistan Movement, Hyrbyair Marri, has strongly condemned the terrorist attack on a Methodist Church in Quetta on Sunday. He said the terrorist attacks in the heavily militarised city of Quetta show the complicity of the Pakistani army and other security forces with religious hatemongers. He said, […]Read More

Belt and Road U-turn: China rethinks several Pakistani projects

By F.M. SHAKIL Blame it on political chaos, corruption or a deteriorating law and order situation in Pakistan. Whatever the cause, Chinese enthusiasm for the multi-billion dollar China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is waning and Beijing has taken several road, mass-transit and industrial zone projects off the table, either temporarily or permanently. Two road projects that have […]Read More

Is Chinese Militarization Of Pakistan Beginning?

By Lawrence Sellin Retired Colonel, U.S. Army Reserve According to a December 12, 2017 Urdu-language news site report, during a high-level meeting presumably between Chinese and Pakistani officials held on the last day of the November Chinese Economic Summit in Hong Kong, China offered to train Pakistani security forces to protect both the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor […]Read More

The Collective Punishment in Balochistan

“No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited. Pillage is prohibited. Reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited,” ARTICLE 33 of Geneva Convention 1949. The collective punishment of Baloch people by Pakistani […]Read More

Iran meddling in Baloch freedom Movement

By Shahdad Baloch After series of interferences in the Middle East, now Iran has opted the policy of diluting the Baloch struggle for an independent homeland through her notorious ‘proxy war’ doctrine. The most recent development was witnessed after the Kurdistan referendum, where Iranian revolutionary guards backed Iraqi forces in their attempt to sabotage the […]Read More

Balochistan: Pakistani forces kill two Baloch in Awaran

QUETTA: Pakistan Security forces have killed two Baloch men in Jhao area of Balochistan’s tense Awaran District on Thursday. The local Levies sources claimed that the men were killed during ‘an exchange of firing between Pakistani forces and armed men’. Independent sources, however, say that the men were executed after their arrest. “The victims were […]Read More