Tags : Pakistan

Genocide In Balochistan: It is time Pakistan is held accountable

By  Abhishek Dwivedi In July 2007, when the province of Balochistan in Pakistan was suffering from an aftermath of the cyclone ‘Yemyin’, the Pakistan government refused to accept foreign help and aid for the Baloch areas. While Pakistan proclaimed that the provincial government was capable and equipped to deal with the disaster, reliable reports that […]Read More

Pro-freedom Baloch activists hold protest rally against Pakistan’s nuclear blasts

Baloch demanding independence of their France-sized homeland from Pakistan Friday held an anti-nuclear rally in Sweden as part of an international campaign to raise awareness about dangers of Pakistan’s nuclear arms. Baloch demonstrators, who gathered in the Swedish town of Gothenburg, were holding posters of Sabeen Mahmud, Karachi activist and human rights defender. Mahmud was […]Read More

Baloch liberation struggle a deterrent to China-Pakistan pact

An unprecedented rise in military operations against civilian population has been reported in different areas of Balochistan, especially in Makuran region in past one year. In first two weeks of February Pakistani ground forces backed by gunship helicopters have carried out offensives in coastal belt of Balochistan including Pasni, Kolanch, Pedarak and surrounding areas. At least […]Read More

Pakistan’s rogue army, China’s weapons and Arab states’ money in

The WikiLeaks has recently revealed that Islamic charities from Saudi Arabia and UAE are giving $100 million dollar yearly to jihadi terrorist organisations in Pakistan. The religious extremist organisation use those money to recruit new Jihadists to their networks in Southern Punjab. WikiLeaks further reported that the extremist religious organizations exploit worsening poverty in outer […]Read More

China – Pakistan nexus: Stealing of Balochistan resources

Balochistan has been the centre of attention because of its vast coastline, enormous resources and strategic geographical location that is why every occupier wished to conquer Balochistan. From Nausherwan Adil to Pakistan all have attacked Balochistan to find a stronghold and loot Balochistan’s natural resources but the original owners of Balochistan ‘the Baloch people’ in […]Read More