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13 November: Baloch Martyrs’ Day

By Saeed Baloch
Martyrs’ day is an annual day which is observed by nations to remember the martyrdom of soldiers and freedom fighters who lost their lives defending their motherlands. The actual date may vary from one country to another. In Afghanistan, Martyrs’ day is observed on 8th of September, it commemorates all those who died for Afghanistan, in Azerbaijan Martyrs’ day is marked on January 20, in memory of those who were killed in the Black January and 16 September Martyrs’ Day remembers the Libyans who were killed and exiled under Italian rule and those were killed in the 17 of February revolution.
Similarly, Tamil Eelam people also have dedicated a day ‘The Maaveerar Day or Heroes Day’ to commemorate the death of their fighters who fought for the freedom of Tamil homeland. A Tamil Liberation fighter, Shankar, is said to have died on this day in combat in 1982. Since then the Tamil people observe 27 November as their Remembrance Day each year in Tamil homeland and across the world.
Likewise, Baloch people have also chosen 13th of November to remember their national heroes who laid down their precious lives for the bright future of next generations. The date marks the death of Mir Mehrab Khan who got martyrdom safeguarding his motherland against British empire forces on 13 November 1839.
Baloch Nation has a long history of sacrifices for their motherland and for their freedom. Baloch always fought the foreigner invaders who stepped into Baloch land with the intention of occupying Baluchistan, whether they were Arab invaders, Mughals, Mongols. English invaders or Pakistani and Iranian occupiers, the Baloch nation did not budge an inch on its determination of defending its Motherland and giving sacrifices for their freedom.
On thirteenth November 1839, British imperialist invaded Baluchistan, hence, the war began between seven thousand English soldiers and three hundred Baloch Freedom fighters, Mir Mehrab Khan and his comrades bravely confronted the enemy until the last drop of their blood. The invaders were more powerful than Baloch in terms of sophisticated weapons and technology, in spite of having full knowledge of enemy’s strength, Baloch freedom fighters did not surrender but stepped into the battlefield to get martyrdom for their motherland, as Mehrab Khan was consulted by some of his friends (one of them was Mohammad Siddiq) not to fight the British Army, because of their strength and sophisticated weapons , Mehrab Khan replied in these inspirational words “I may not defeat the enemy but I can die for my motherland” he stood by his words and defended the Baloch sovereignty until his last breath.
The Baloch Nation has selected 13 November as the ‘Baloch Martyrs’ Day or Remembrance Day’ because of its historical importance and to honour the sacrifices of Mir Mehrab Khan, his comrades and every Baloch freedom fighter who laid his or her life defending the Baloch homeland and Baloch people against foreign worriers. The day of 13 November is also important in terms of unity of the different Baloch parties and organizations because when they stand united to pay homage to the martyrs of liberation on ‘Baloch Martyrs’ Day’ it will get them the sense of realization that if they stand together on every front, no power can defeat them and they can soon gain their goal of independent for which Baloch Nation is struggling to regain, which was attacked by Pakistan and Iran.
Iran invaded western part of Baluchistan in 1928 and Pakistan occupied eastern part of Baluchistan in 1948, both occupiers always joint hands massacring the Baloch. In 1970s Iran helped Pakistan to crush Baloch national liberation movement by killing thousands of innocents Baloch including women and children. A number of Baloch freedom fighters had got martyrdom safeguarding the civilian from Iran-Pakistan joint aggregations in various parts of Baluchistan. It is really disappointing to hear that some of our ideological fellows consider Iran as their friend or supporter, but the fact is that Iran wants a complete elimination of Baloch nation.
As a Baloch national leader and head of Free Balochistan Movement Hyrbyair Marri said, “both states (Iran Pakistan) were equally involved in occupying Baluchistan and committing gross human rights violations against the Baloch people, and in the past, both states have jointly fought against the Baloch nation. However, due to current religious political and economic ambitions in the region, the relationship between Iran and Pakistan has become temporarily strained. Because of this tension, both states have adopted dangerous policies against the Baloch National Struggle. Both occupying states, through their infamous intelligence agencies, are trying to pit pro-freedom organizations against each other on both sides of occupied Baluchistan.”
In another statement, Sangat Hyrbyair unveils the Iran’s gawkiness “the collaboration of Iran, Turkey and Iraq against the independence of Kurdistan, shows that despite the fact that both Iran and Iraq have economic and diplomatic relations with Kurdistan’s regional government but they are opposed to Kurdistan’s independence. This is a lesson for those political parties who still believe that a state that is occupying a part of Baluchistan will support the independence of Baluchistan and help the pro-freedom activists from another part of occupied Baluchistan.”
It is the time that we must embrace the reality, that considering Iran a friend means opposing the dreams of thousands of Baloch Martyrs, including man, women and children who sacrificed their lives and thousands are still going through the brutal torture of Iranian savage military in their prisons.
To remember these heroes, Baloch national leader Hyrbyair Marri and his friends dedicated an article in the proposed draft of ‘Baluchistan Liberation Charter’ to Baloch Martyrs’ of liberation, which says, “the date selected for national remembrance of the heroes of our libation struggle and their ultimate sacrifice for regaining our independence will be on 13 of November. On this day in 1839 Mir Mehrab Khan and many of his soldiers lost their lives while defending Baluchistan against the invading army of British Empire.”
Today, we (Baloch) as a Nation feel pride saluting our national heroes, that like heroes of other Nations gave us an identification of being a pride nation before the world. We express admiration and respects for them from the depth of our hearts.
It is expected that this year and the years ahead the Baloch nation will stand together to remember the martyrs of the Nation, to honour their sacrifices with the vow to continue their mission of an Independent Baluchistan. In order to achieve this aim, all the stakeholders of liberation Movement must understand the fact that unity is the only power which will help us reach the Martyrs’ aim, which is an independent Baluchistan on map of the world, because until and unless a nation is united, the dream of becoming free will remain only a dream and an empty slogan.