Year: <span>2021</span>

UK: Free Balochistan Movement marks Balochistan’s independence Day

LONDON: The Free Balochistan Moment UK Branch organized a one-day seminar in London on the occasion of Balochistan’s Independence Day on August 11, which was attended by a large number of Baloch living in the UK. The seminar was addressed by Dr. Shahzavar Baloch, Deputy Chairman of Free Balochistan Movement. In his address, Dr Baloch […]Read More

Reports of attack on Pakistani forces in Kohlu Balochistan

KOHLU: The Baloch insurgents have carried an attack on occupied Pakistani FC cantonment in Soren Kahur Rao Baghi area in Kohlu district of Occupied Balochistan. According to details, the military cantonment of Pakistani forces at Soren Kahur Rao Bughi in Kohlu has been attacked with light and heavy weapons. Locals reported that several loud explosions […]Read More

Iran continues executions of Baloch and Kurdish citizens under different

ZAHEDAN: In the past three weeks Iranian forces have reportedly executed at least more than a dozen Baloch and Kurdish citizens in different prisons across Iran. The Hengaw Human Rights Organisation reported that seven Kurds have been executed in various prisons in Iranian-occupied Kurdistan. Similarly, Baloch human rights and social activists have reported that in […]Read More

Iran’s IRGC beats up Baloch victims of Taliban atrocities

NIMROZ: The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) of Iran has prevented and beaten up Baloch migrants of Nimor region of Northern Balochistan to move to the Iranian occupied Balochistan. According to details,  the Baloch people of Nimroz attempted to migrate to Iranian-occupied Balochistan to save themselves from the atrocities and terrorism of the Taliban have […]Read More

FBM to commemorate Balochistan Independence Day

LONDON: The Free Balochistan Movement UK Branch has announced to organise a seminar on 11 August 2021 to commemorate the day when Balochistan announced its independence in 1947. The 11th of August is an annual celebration that Baloch people in Balochistan and abroad commemorates as their independence day and pledge to continue their liberation movement […]Read More

Baloch activists joined the ADPF demonstration in London to support

London: On the 28th of July Al-Ahwaz Democratic Popular Front organised a protest demonstration in front of Iran’s Embassy in London to condemn the Iranian state repression against peace protesters Khuzestan and other regions of Al-Ahwaz. Several Baloch activists including representatives of the Free Balochistan Movement also joined the protest to express their solidarity with […]Read More

Iran has hanged a Baloch Named Ibraheem in Isfahan

DOZZAP (Zahedan): The Iranian forces have executed a Baloch youth in Iran’s infamous Isfahan prison on July 25. Sources informed Balochwarna News that Mr Baloch was arrested and accused of drug peddling at the age of 17. The Iranian theocratic and fundamentalist regime commits such crimes to justify its crimes and Human Rights violations against […]Read More

Balochistan: Four members of Iran’s IRGC killed in Khash

ZAHEDAN: At least four personnel of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) have been killed in an attack on Saturday in Balochistan’s Wash (Khash) city. According to details, unknown armed men attacked a vehicle of Iran’s Basij forces, also dubbed as the oppressive arm of the Iranian regime in Balochistan, at Caravander road in the […]Read More

Balochistan: Gas extraction company attacked in Kohlu

QUETTA: The spokesman of the Baloch Liberation Army, Azad Baloch, in a statement to media said that BLA fighter attacked a gas extraction company in the Dairy Farm area of Kohlu on Wednesday, July 20. The pro-freedom resistance organisation has warned other gas and oil exploration companies to stop their extraction work on Pakistan’s military-run […]Read More

FBM activists join protest of Arabs of Al-Ahwaz to support

GERMANY: Representatives and activists of Free Balochistan Movement joined a protest of Al-Ahwaz Democratic Popular Front (ADPF) in Hamburg city of Germany to express solidarity with the people of Al-Ahwaz against Iranian aggression.  According to Ahwazi Arab  media reports at least nine people  have been killed so far  and many injured during peaceful protests against water shortages in […]Read More