Families of the Forcibly Disappeared in Kirdgap Continue Protest
Mass Murder of Baloch Nation in Karachi

‘Killed in the dark alleys of Vested interests’
(No power would be able to rule over the souls of the Baloch nation, had they learned how to embrace death for the sake of glorious life, instead of running after a miserable life)
What happened in Karachi? If analyzed through Pakistani government point of view, it was an unpleasant happening. It does not matter what they say about the design behind it, but when they start classifying this barbarism in retrospection, at the end they would say, we would not allow such things to happen again in future. But we would not perceive this happening as merely a gory accident or an unpleasant happening, but rather, we say it is one of those wider state policies to liquidate Baloch nation.
Whether it was our blunt perception or the success of Pakistani state’s tricks? That we could not reach to the bottom of the conspiracy. There might one of our intellectuals or politicians have brought this fact to light, but it went unnoticed among the throng. The impoverished situation of Baloch in Karachi is no better than the Baloch living in Pakistan and Iran. But it is the misfortunate of the Baloch living Karachi, which lead us to a better understanding that how a state, with its morbid intentions, turn a majority nation into a minority one, and a powerful nation into a weak and disadvantaged one.
Before the creation of Pakistan, Baloch were in majority in Karachi. Today they are not only in minority but also through different electoral constituencies they are segregated from each other. Their areas of the population have been dissected into different parts and annexed with the areas of other ethnic nationalities through a systematic conspiracy to render them ineffective. Obviously, living together, a united Baloch would bring about consciousness and strength; thereby they could have demanded that their national language should be the medium of instruction, not only this but also they could have been in a position for making a trivial demand that their language, Balochi should be given the opportunity to present programs in radio and TV channels. By the rise of the national awareness, they could have a direct effect on Baluchistan’s volatile situation. In an organized position they could have effectively opposed the atrocities in Balochistan and attracted the world attention.
But here too, the state has rendered them into semi-consciousness by the weapons of poverty, misery and illiteracy.
There occurred no improvement to Balochistan volatile situation. Our leadership could not determine the course of struggle before the start of the fifth war of freedom. Therefore, the Baloch in Karachi could not be given a genuine national slogan. When the pseudo-nationalist political parties in Balochistan, started looking towards Islamabad as their Mecca, the Baloch in Karachi, on their own, also turned towards Islamabad for a ray of a hope. As a result, Baloch in Karachi started seeking sanctuary under the umbrella of a big party. The joining of PPP isn’t a surprise, as in Baloch culture royalty is highly cherished. In fact, Sindhi are the sons of Sindh soil. Regarding them the true sons of the soil, Baloch established a good relationship with them. But Baloch failed to perceive the fundamental fact that every Sindhi has to be first a (Islamabadi) if he ever nurtured a desire to become the ruler of Islamabad. Unless he protects the peculiar interests, he should not dream of becoming the prime minister or president of Pakistan.
Apparently, Baloch perceived that Bhutto was a true Sindhi and a powerful leader. But Time proved that neither he was a powerful leader nor he was a true Sindhi.
Overwhelmed by Pakistaniitism, he desperately sought after the Islamabad’s blessing, but he lost the power and became an oppressed Sindhi and later was put on gallows. But the Baloch did not desert his party.
It is the irony of fate that even after the execution of Bhutto, Sindhi failed to perceive the Pakistani state intentions. And suffering from Pakistan’s chronicle syndrome, PPP also failed to draw a better scheme to protect the interests of misfortunate Baloch and Sindhis nations. As a result, both Sindhi and Baloch are under the oppression of Indian fugitives and have become dependent on them.
Under the instruction of Islamabad, all the demarcations of electoral constituencies in Liyari, have been approved by PPP, because it always regards Baloch as its voter, not a nation.
As it has already mentioned that from the outset, the rulers in Islamabad were obsessed with the idea of creating an artificial Pakistani nation. Therefore it became the exigent policy of Pakistan to break the unity of all nationalities. With the exception of Punjab, today all other nationalities have been broken into pieces. The rationale behind it was to break the units so sooner as to make easy the process of amalgamation of all units into one unit. In comparison, Punjabis and Muhajirs are far better off than the Baloch, Sindhis and Pushtoons by accepting Pakistani nationality. The destitute Muhajirs came in Sindh with their worn out vests. They are neither a nation nor they have any land of their own. But in the name of Islam, it has become the ruler of all nations.
How can the Punjabi manage provision for its huge population with its parched saline agricultural land? The mouth-watering natural wealth of Balochistan, pakhtoonkhowah and Sindh is so attractive that they can accept any nationality, no question about adapting Pakistani nationality. To Pakistani rulers, Baloch is always a persona non grata. The main reason is that this hunger-stricken nation will never succumb to Pakistani enticement. (Though a large number have been bribed into accepting Pakistani politics in the name of parliamentary politics) the God gifted Baloch land is bestowed with high valued wealth. Despite all efforts of the Pakistani state to keep Baloch in darkness, Baloch never remained oblivious to the importance of their natural wealth. But Pakistani rulers and their stooge Muhajirs know deep in their hearts that they can’t obliterate Baloch by operation or genocide. Yet they continue their heinous crimes to test the endurance of Baloch resistance. They scheme in accordance with the same reaction to crush them.
Some friends might think That Liyari tragedy in Karachi, has been schemed by Rehman Malik. At first, we were also of the same view, driven by emotion. But in seconds we realized that the attack on Baloch in Karachi isn’t an accident, nor it is a personal vendetta, indeed it is a part of a wider failed state policy.
Failures in various sections of Pakistani state are widespread. However, to hide the state failure, they want to demonstrate to the world that they are in control of everything and that the state writ is intact.
Drones attacks can’t be stopped, which have eroded its sovereignty. Despite the desperate plead for American help, it failed to get the Indians on table talk.
The gas and electricity crisis is spiralling out of control, which has now started Punjab economy into a spasmodic contraction. Despite all efforts, the desperate condition of externally displaced people of Frontier cannot be hidden from the glare of world media. Similarly, the tall claim of war success against terrorism has yet needed to be substantiated, but the Taliban members in thousands eloped in the air. Where they escaped? The NRO list has made some ministers, including Pakistani president, a sort of walking examples of corruption. The missing person’s cases have left government near to death. The beginning of rights of Balochistan package has flatly been rejected by Baloch people. The 58 2 (b) amendment is still a hanging sword over the government and the Misaq-e-Jamhuriat (democratic contract) have not been implemented. The unfortunate state of this country has reached to the extent that they just cannot control the unarmed sugar mafia which even defied the Supreme Court orders just like a used tissue paper. To temporally deflect attention towards the entire question of Pakistan failure as a viable state; they had to resort to heinous crimes against innocent Baloch through state-sponsored terrorism to change the entire course of the debate of Pakistan’s viability. It was also meant to test the Baloch solidarity and to make them realize that if they want to live in Karachi then they should learn how to live under Muhajirs rule. What could be more barbaric and heinous crime in the world of the group who’s some members, headed by Rehman Malik, are massacring Baloch, on the other hand, another group headed by Zardari, comes out to show solidarity with Baloch? They whitewash their crimes by offering apology and solace. After inflicting deep wounds on Baloch chest, they start announcing rewards packages to pave the way for the midterm or local elections.
Meanness did not hesitate to manifest itself; Zardari announces Liyari operation off, on the one side, and then on the other, who is shedding Baloch blood so easily? Yet he forgot to punish those who committed these crimes? Yet the killer beasts are still at large. Entire Karachi along with Balochistan is in a mourning state. In the dark and narrow alleys of Liyari, the bloodstains of Baloch were not yet dry. He announced that Bilawal Zardari would contest next election in Liyari. Even though Bilawal’s father is the president of Pakistan today. His party is in power in both Sindh and centre, yet the Pakistani state wrath befalls Baloch. Then what would happen when he becomes an MNA or MPA Liyari? Were the sacrifices of Baloch not enough for this party, why they have to vote for Zardaris or Zulfiqars for the right to live?
There are limits for callousness and apathy, where in broad daylight greed manifesting itself in such a time when the entire Baloch nation is in the grip of extreme grief. If they were in need of election and wanted to assuage the deep wounds of Liyariites, then they could have said that we would bring forth one of the brightest boys from Nesar Baloch and Zahid Baloch family. (Even though it has nothing to do with the Baloch national issue) but by the announcement of such a gesture, one could have guessed that he has some compassion for his people. What was the necessity to shed the blood of innocent Baloch people in such a number to bring forth your boy?
These unfortunate people are already moaning under the oppression of PPP for the past 40 years. But in return, you turned no stone unturned to shatter their national unity into pieces.
The last word: as earlier, I had stated that we did not regard the Karachi carnage merely an unpleasant event, but a successive policy of the state. Then in such a condition there arise some questions before the Baloch national leadership, how they can stop this cycle of violence against their nation? How can they manage such an environment where Baloch in Karachi could live in dignity? And how they can preserve their identity which could be an active part of Baloch national struggle? Even to some extent, they could use their ability to play the role of the vanguard of national struggle.
The answer to all these questions is hidden in a political consideration, which is called national politics, and the explanations can be found in the event of Karachi carnage.
The isolated life, that Baloch is living in Karachi, is the best paradigm for those who are not participating in the national struggle for the reasons, that they first educate themselves then struggle for freedom or those who still want to use parliamentary politics as a weapon.
Since the day Pakistan was created till today; Baloch people in Karachi have become illiterate, unskilled and jobless in the city of schools, colleges, universities and industries, where they were once the ruler of the city. From the beginning Baloch have been participating in Pakistani parliamentary and municipalities’ elections etc. despite the use of this mean, they are still the same and no change occurred to Baloch lives because the state didn’t want Baloch to develop itself.
Technical and unnatural hurdles were created in their ways so that they remain subliminally illiterate, unskilled and destitute. The parliamentary weapon did not work because they were the victims of the worst type of conspiracy. Ostensibly, on the one hand, there a few were allowed to benefit so that they remain silent; on the other, they were undermined and eaten by termite-like. Some of their lands prosperities were bought and occupied by Muhajirs and Punjabis. Therefore, their lands and alleys are now contracted and narrowed. Trapped in the economic problems, they had no time to see their surroundings. The tips of their toes touch the wall when they stretch their legs; therefore, they have now realized that they are badly trapped. They were punished in extreme terms when they struggled to get rid of this trap, which was the usual punishment for all those slaves in the world who struggled for freedom.
The rulers punished them so that they do not protest, even when they feel the shortage of oxygen.
Given the current political situation, Baloch nation, no matter wherever they are living, have to adopt new strategies about Karachi. Baloch should not wait for their turns to be killed, and then they become united. instead, they should be based their thoughts and actions on the question: what should be extracted, with interests, from the enemy to even the score of atrocities inflicted upon them during 62 years under Pakistani occupation and 82 years under Iranian occupation.
Translated by Archen Baloch